Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I am ashamed to admit (even though most of you already know) that my life is run by "to do" list and a calendar. So I decided what better than a command center that has it all! I bought the frame from Michaels. The fabric came from a cute quilt store in Midway. I bought two sheets of metal and coated them with spray adhesive, then adhered the fabric to the metal. The cute buttons came from a antique store in Leavenworth (see post below about Leavenworth). And the calendar and week at a glance came from here. The cloth flower on the top was just a scrap piece of fabric I had from another project. I took the fabric and went to town with the hot glue gun. Simply scrunching fabric and holding in place with glue.


Heather Francis said...

That is super cute! You are way too good at crafty stuff! ummmm can I have one?

life with the swaner family said...

Even cuter now that you have all your fun things on it. love the flower and the clothes pin on there.

J.Henke said...

No shame in that! Being organized is crucial to being a decent human being, I'm pretty sure. And you're just making it look SO good :)

The Holmgrens said...

You are so crafty! I like the organization. I'm a fan of calendars and lists. They are my friend.

michellemcpherson said...

This is so great, I am loving your fabric, I seriously need one of these!

Swaner Family said...

Looks so good! Love the fabric. Are you loving it?