20 Questions
1. Where did you meet?
We met in our institute class at USU. He stood up to give a scripture thought and I knew he was very special!
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
Ok this boy is so cute! I have got to get rid of the boy friend that I have ASAP! He talked to me after class and all I could say when he asked me about river guiding was yea it was fun....and then walked away.
3. Do you remember what he/she was wearing?
A Moab four-wheeling shirt, his black glasses, chacos and jeans
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person?
Outside of his apartment. We were saying goodnight and before I could get into my car he put his hand on the door and kissed me!
5. Where did you go for your first date?
We went on a hike up Logan canyon. We did the crimson trail. The leaves were changing and it was beautiful. The whole time I was nervous to be with this cute boy so I just talked about going on a mission so he wouldn't think I liked him.....when I really was head over heels!
6. How long did you know this person before you became a couple?
After we went on our first date we spent EVERY day together. The only time apart from the beginning to the wedding was when he went on a family ski vacation to Canada for a week. That was the longest week of both of our lives!
7. How did he/she ask you out?
7. How did he/she ask you out?
Well actually for our first date I asked him out! We had been eyeing each other for a couple weeks in institute, and one day we ended up on the same bus ride home, and we were the only ones on the bus. So we were forced to finally talk. Before he could get off I asked him if he wanted to go hiking. He hesitated because he was studying for his woody plants class. Which was a really hard class. But of course he chose right and decided to go with me instead of studying!
8. Has this person ever proposed to you?
Umm yep!
9. Do you and this person have kids together?
9. Do you and this person have kids together?
In the near future I can see some Swaner babies!
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?
Not that I know of...Ben is a pretty mellow guy!
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?
Well the first time I saw him of course. But I knew that I wanted to marry him when we went on a night hike for our third date. We went up to the windcaves in Logan. On our way home I looked over at Ben and had this overwhelming feeling of love. I knew that I was going to marry him!
12. Do you get along with his/her family?
12. Do you get along with his/her family?
I am so blessed that I was able to marry into the Swaner family. I love them all so much! I feel like a daughter of Jeff and Kathy. Bens brother and sister in law are so much fun, and his little sister is sweet.
13. Do you trust this person?
I trust Ben more than anyone. I know that he thinks things through very well, and always has my best interest in mind.
14. Do you see her/him as your partner in your future?
14. Do you see her/him as your partner in your future?
Yep for eternity! Aint that right Ben?
15. What is the best gift she/he gave you?
15. What is the best gift she/he gave you?
I must say it would be my first pair of powder ski's...yea I cried when he gave them to me!
16. What is one thing he/she does that gets on your nerves?
16. What is one thing he/she does that gets on your nerves?
Eww there is nothing that sends more rage through my body than when he gets into bed and has toe nails that needs to be cut, and then tries to drag them across my legs....sick
17. Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
17. Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
Happily married with kidos that keep us busy and on our toes. Hopefully in a home and Ben enjoying his job, while I stay at home and make sure everything is running smoothly, or as smooth as things can with a busy life!
18. What causes the most arguments?
Umm I am being completely truthful when I say I can't think of one in particular.
19. How long have you been together?
4 1/2 years=>1 year dating=> 3 1/2 years married
20. Are you married?
How could I not be married to this wonderful guy?
Every time I "bump" into you I leave thinking. . . "she is so happy!" You radiate joy wherever you go. . . Thanks for sharing your blog. . . I love it.
It's nice to know you read my blog. I read yours, too. :)
That is so cute! I never knew these things about you guys so it was fun to learn!
These are fun memories. You will be glad you wrote them down. We think the world of you two!
How fun! I love hearing stories of how people met and married and such! You two are the cutest couple. :)
All I can say is "love it" You guys are so cute together. And we love having you in the family as well.
Cute post! Loved it!
This is sweet. Cute Swaners.
Cute Cute. You guys are so in love. Awe... :)
What a fun post! You two really are so cute! Love both of you!
Super fun Idea!
That was such a fun post to read. I might steal the idea:) You guys are so awesome. Keep loving each other:) By the way... I loved your halloween costume.
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